Steak with New Potatoes and Garden Peas

Dinner: 514kcal
52g protein, 17g fat, 38g carbs

200g rump steak, trimmed of fat (or use a vegetarian chicken replacement)
200g baby new potatoes
150g garden peas
5g organic butter, ghee, or coconut oil
1 sprig fresh mint (optional), chopped


1) Remove the steak from its packaging and leave it to rest at room temperature while you prepare the potatoes.

2) Bring a saucepan of lightly salted water to the boil. Add the new potatoes and reduce to a gentle simmer. Cook for around 10 minutes until soft, remove from water and drain, reserving the water in the saucepan.

3) Bring the saucepan of water to the boil again. Reduce to a simmer, add the peas and cook for 3-4 minutes until soft, then drain.

4) Melt half of the butter, ghee, or oil in a nonstick frying pan or skillet/griddle. Add the steak or vegetarian chicken, season with salt and pepper, and cook on both sides. Follow instructions on the steak packet to determine the length of time to cook to achieve rare, medium, or well-done steak.

5) In a saucepan, gently mix together the cooked potatoes, peas, and the remaining butter, ghee, or oil. Sprinkle over the mint. Serve.